About Exeter Athletics
The Exeter Township School District Athletic Program
The Exeter Athletic Department has an interesting and varied range of programs which include 14 different sports. These 14 different sports have 67 teams which are coached by 90 coaches. Our aim is to provide a range of activity in an effort to provide a valued extracurricular experience. For more information, check out our Athletic Information in the Athletics Student Handbook. To view the Interscholastic Athletics Disclosure Report, outlining expenditures and student participation in athletics, click on the link on the left under About Our Program.
Mission Statement:
Our mission in the Exeter Athletic Department is to advance learning, to develop leadership, and to foster personal growth through athletic participation.
Our programs encourage and promote broad participation, challenging competition, sportsmanship, cooperation, commitment, leadership, achievement, service to others, the development of enduring attributes and skills, and enjoyment. We evaluate the effectiveness by assessing achievements relative to potential, personal growth of participants and levels of involvement, support, and fulfillment.
Our athletic goal should be to develop a competitive program, which does not lose sight of the educational values that participation in athletics can develop.

Our mission in the Exeter Athletic Department is to advance learning, to develop leadership, and to foster personal growth through athletic participation.
Our programs encourage and promote broad participation, challenging competition, sportsmanship, cooperation, commitment, leadership, achievement, service to others, the development of enduring attributes and skills, and enjoyment. We evaluate the effectiveness by assessing achievements relative to potential, personal growth of participants and levels of involvement, support, and fulfillment.
Our athletic goal should be to develop a competitive program, which does not lose sight of the educational values that participation in athletics can develop.
Athletics have the following specific objectives:
1. Provide the opportunity to develop good sportsmanship.
1. Provide the opportunity to develop good sportsmanship.
2. Develop the realization that athletic competition is a privilege that carries responsibilities.
3. Develop desirable habits in health and safety.
4. Provide the opportunity to expand the athlete’s circle of friends.
5. Provide the opportunities to improve playing skills.
6. To develop team pride, spirit and sound work ethic.
7. To learn respect for rules.
8. To win, but not at any cost.
9. To foster good school spirit.